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Education Grounded in Christian Values

Igniting Hearts and Minds

Founded in 1964, Rockford Lutheran School is proudly grounded in the Lutheran tradition of Christian education, but is open to students of all faith backgrounds. All programs and activities of the school are infused with our values of keeping Christ at the center, seeking excellence in all endeavors, valuing harmony and diversity, and living lives of service to others.

Our MISSION To provide an exceptional college preparatory education in a challenging and inspiring Christian environment.

Our VISION To be known for our program's quality, with graduates sought after by colleges and universities as grounded, well-rounded, and highly prepared for the rigors of collegiate higher learning, and to be held by teachers as one of the top schools at which to serve in our region. 

Our CORE VALUES Everything we do is infused with our core values.

  • Christ-centered: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 
  • Excellence: Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
  • Harmony: Having gifts that differ according to grace given to us, let us use them.
  • Service: For we are coworkers in God's service: you are God's field, God's building. (links to Home > Spiritual Life > Service Projects)