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Foundational Beliefs

Statement of Faith

As Christians, our faith is founded in the concept of saving salvation being “Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura” — by Grace Alone, by Faith Alone, and through Scripture Alone. Our salvation is a gift from God, and is earned through no effort or merit of our own. We acknowledge our sinful nature and our absolute need for God's saving grace.

We also seek to give glory to God in all that we do, recognizing that we, and everything we have, belong to God. It is our chief desire at Rockford Lutheran School to bring a clear witness to Christ, our Savior, to our students, families and community. 

We believe that Christ established his church on Earth comprised of all believers and that this church is comprised of many different peoples from every nation and culture that come to Him with different understandings and interpretations. We greet all of our brothers and sisters in Christ openly with love and humility, looking to God’s word and the work of the Spirit to resolve issues of disagreement. Even so, we hold to and profess the following understandings and beliefs as an institution to ground our identity and guide our actions.

We believe, teach, and confess that…

In living out these beliefs, we hold that all in our Rockford Lutheran School community are called to strive constantly and without ceasing to love, honor and serve the needs of all people as God’s beloved creation. By Christ’s own example, we are led to meet people where they are with compassion and in humility, including those with whom we hold profound disagreements. As we do so, we recognize the existence of different views without accepting those different views but listen closely as we seek the leading of the Holy Spirit and the power of God’s word to guide others into the way of the Lord. For the sake of unity and the proper teaching of Scripture we uphold these Biblical truths:

  • God's Word calls us to a life of character, integrity, and honesty in relationships, thoughts, word and deed. 
  • God created man and woman in His image and reserves all sexual activity to be within the confines of a marriage as his gift and for the sake of families.
  • God's Word describes the human body as a temple, to be used to glorify God.
  • God’s Word teaches us to value all of life from conception to natural death and to promote the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of all people to the good of our neighbor and the glory of God.
  • A deliberate focus on Christian character leads to responsible Christian service to one another and builds up our larger community. We serve out of our love for God, modeling our service after Christ’s example.

We are all broken and sinful people who journey through a broken and sinful world. We daily need to be confronted by God's demands, especially when we act in ways that divide our oneness, diminish our diversity, and otherwise fall short of God's original vision and intent for our lives. We daily need to hear God's promise of abundant life given to us in Jesus Christ. When we falter in our efforts, we recognize our sin and seek God's forgiveness and grace. We thus approach each other with repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation and renewal.

To see our faith in action, visit the Spiritual Life section of our website.