Daily Announcements
September 27, 2023
Christian Service Project: Jaelyn Oden and David Ballard are partnering with Hope Story Mission for their Christian Service Project. It will be a competition between Junior High and Senior High students. You may bring in hygiene items (soap, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.) from September 25-October 25. There will be a basket for Jr High in front of Mrs. Johnson’s office and a basket for Sr High in front of the main office. The winning grades will get an out of dress code day.
Service Hours Opportunity: Klehm Arboretum & Botanic Garden are looking for volunteers for their annual fall community event. They could use help with kids’ games and crafts. “Autumn at the Arboretum” is on Sunday, October 8 from 10am-2pm. They are located at 2715 S Main Street in Rockford. If you are interested, sing up via the link: https://signup.com/go/qhmYPDy
SPARK is meeting tomorrow in the CORE after school until 4:00. Come and work on homework and get help with it too!
Auditions for Chamber Singers: See the poster in room 123 for details on how to audition for Chamber Singers.
Senior College Planning Night, tonight, September 27th at 7 p.m. in the CORE.
Juniors and Seniors interested in taking AP tests please see Mr. Kortze for information on that process. October 15 is the deadline to sign up and pay.
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE
Week of 9/25/23: Mrs. Hansen will supervise in room 224.
Week of 10/2/23: Ms. Theodorakis will supervise in room 109
Week of 9/25/23-9/29/23: M-Regular, T-Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Regular, F-Chapel
Week of 10/2/23-10/6/23: M-Regular, T-Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Regular, F-No School