Daily Announcements
September 13, 2023
SPARK is meeting today after school in the CORE until 4:00. Come and get some homework help or have a quiet place to study.
Homecoming T-shirts & Dance Tickets: Homecoming T-shirts are on sale today during lunch in the snack shack. T-shirts are for everyone who wants one and the cost is $20.00. The Homecoming dance is for high school students only. Dance tickets are also on sale & the cost is $15.00. Also, you may pick up a guest pass in the snack shack.
Service Hour Opportunities: The Discovery Center has opportunities for volunteers to work at several events coming up on various dates. See the flier posted outside the office for details.
Mascot Needed: We are in need of a high school student to be the Crusader mascot at the Homecoming game on Friday, Sept. 22. Please see Ashley Larson if you are interested.
Jr High Volleyball Fundraiser: You can support the Jr High volleyball team tomorrow, Sept. 14, buy purchasing food or gift cards from Beef-A-Roo, 6380 E. Riverside Blvd, between 4:30-7:30pm. Ten percent of purchases will be donated to the JH volleyball team.
Thursday Sept 14 – Yearbook Pictures Plan: Reminder, tomorrow is picture day for 6-12 grades. If you will not be here tomorrow retakes are October 18th. Students are asked to go the Junior High Gym at the following times to get their yearbook picture taken tomorrow:
6th = 8:30 AM. Alequin-Lamb,
6th = 8:45 AM. Lemke-Withers
7th = 9:00 AM. Abate-McCarthy,
7th = 9:10 AM. Meyers -Wade
8th = 9:20 AM. Barnett – McCoid,
8th = 9:30 AM. McNames-Yowell
9th = 9:40 AM. Akre – Peterson,
9th = 9:55 AM. Pettinger – Yanez
10th = 10:10 AM. Albright – Lockhart,
10th = 10:20 AM. Loewecke – Zaske
11th = 10:40 AM. Ament – Jensen,
11th = 10:55 AM. Johnson – Zelic
12th = 11:10 AM. Akre – Lemers,
12th = 11:20 AM. Lopez – Ziemer
Girls Golf Results: Congratulations to the Lady Sader’s for winning over Rockford Christian 203-230 last night. The teams record is 7-0 overall and 5-0 in conference.
Powder Puff: Today is the last chance to sign up for Powder Puff. Signup s will be pulled after lunch.
Juniors and Seniors interested in taking AP tests please see Mr. Kortze for information on that process. October 15 is the deadline to sign up and pay.
Juniors and Seniors in Dual Credit classes, your deadline to sign up for the college credit is next Monday. You will not get college credit unless you complete the process by that time. See your Dual Credit teacher or Mr. Kortze for details.
DRIVE-RIGHT SCHOOL OF DRIVING: DRIVE-RIGHT IS OFFERING A DRIVER’S EDUCATION COURSE ROCKFORD LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL. FOR ANY STUDENT WHO TURNS 15 BY November 30. It meets Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00 AM – 7:40 AM + (2) SATURDAYS (dates to be announced) 9AM-11AM. : September 12, 2023 – November 30, 2023
SIGN UP: CALL DRIVE-RIGHT 815-965-4638 OR REGISTER ONLINE AT www.drive-right.com
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: 9/13/23 Boys Soccer at 2:45
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE
Week of 9/11/23: Mr. Haut will supervise in the art room.
Week of 9/18/23: Ms. Holmlund will supervise in room 111.
Week of 9/11/23-9/15/23: M-Chapel, T-Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Regular, F-Chapel
Week of 9/18/23-9/22/23: M-Assembly, T-Assembly, W-Chapel (No Late Start), Th-Assembly, F-Assembly