RLS Financial Scholarships and Awards for 2023-24
Jr. Crusader Award $600 per year (renewable up to 3 years in JHS, total award $1,800), given to roughly the top quartile of students based on strong demonstrated academic merit, requires a cumulative JHS gpa of 3.5+ to renew.
Emerging Scholar Award $450 per year (renewable up to 3 years in JHS, total award $1,350), given to students based on demonstrated academic aptitude to excel, requires a cumulative JHS gpa of 3.0+ to renew.
Luther Excellence Scholarship $900 per year (renewable up to 4 years, total award $3,600), given to roughly the top 5% of the class based upon demonstrated academic excellence, requires a cumulative HS gpa of 3.7+ to renew.
Crusader Scholarship $650 per year (renewable up to 4 years, total award $2,600), given to roughly the top 20% of the class who demonstrated strong academic abilities, requires a cumulative HS gpa of 3.5+ to renew.
Purple & White Scholarship $500 per year (renewable up to 4 years, total award $2,000), given to student with demonstrated strong academic aptitude, requires a cumulative HS gpa of 3.25+ to renew.
RLS Association Church Member Grant Award of $350 per year grades K-5 and $400 per year grades 6-12. At least one parent must be a confirmed member of an association member congregation (see listing on the website). Annual Church Membership Verification form required by May 31st of each year for grant renewal.
Lutheran School Grant Award of $250 per year grades K-5 and $300 per year grades 6-12. Can’t be combined with RLS Association Church Member Grant. Only available to students transferring from the highest offered grade of their Lutheran School who have completed at least one full year at that Lutheran School.
Legacy Grant Award of $250 per year to the dependent children of any alum of Rockford Lutheran School (only one parent must be an alum, only $250 available per student per year).
Competitive application-based $500 per year scholarship awards (renewable through the end of HS for up to a total award of $3,500) for demonstrated skill and engagement in service and the arts. Limited to up to 10 of each scholarship to new students entering into grades 6 through 12. A student may only receive one Interest Focus Scholarship award. Open to admitted applicants only. Deadline for submission of the application and required materials is February 15, 2023. Decisions to be announced by February 25th.
Kolb Music Scholarship Awarded to students with a strong demonstrated interest and aptitude in music. To be eligible, the student must have participated in a formal music program for at least one year, or have had music lessons for one year, on any instrument, piano or choir. In addition to the Kolb Music Scholarship application form, a video recording of a musical selection performed by the applicant, of the applicant’s choice, at least 1 minute in length must be submitted. To receive and renew the Kolb Music Scholarship award the student must be enrolled in at least one music class each year and receive a grade of B or better in all music classes.
Pastor Marvin Fritz Service Scholarship Awarded to students that have demonstrated a strong interest in service to their neighbors, modeling Matthew 25:34-36. To be eligible, the student must have evidence of a demonstrated track record of participation in personal and group service projects through their church, school or community organizations. The Fritz Service Scholarship application form is required along with evidence of service participation. To renew the Fritz Service Scholarship award, the student must submit documentation of at least 25 service hours per year, with participation in at least one service project at RLS while in JHS and at least two RLS Christian Service Project teams while in HS and maintain a cumulative gpa of 2.5 or better.
Rockford Lutheran Visual Arts Scholarship Awarded to students that have a strong interest and demonstrated aptitude and/or skills in one or more media of the visual arts, such as photography, drawing, painting, sculpting or physical media. The RL Visual Arts Scholarship application form is required along with sample artistic creations by the student. To receive and renew the Visual Arts Scholarship award the student must be enrolled in at least one art class each year and receive a grade of B or better in all art classes.