Online Nomination Form

Please include as much detail as possible.  Information on this form will be used to determine induction.  Any additional information not requested on this form may also be attached and submitted. If you prefer, paper forms are available at the Lutheran High school athletic office and on the RLS website.  For additional information call Athletic Director, Cedric Jones, at 815-877-9551 Ex#166 or cjones@rockfordlutheran.org

Online Nomination Form


Download / Printable Form


The organization will be known as the Rockford Lutheran High School Sports Hall of Fame. The Lutheran High School Sports Hall of Fame Committee reserves the right to amend the bylaws if needed, by a majority vote.​

Mission Statement

The Lutheran High School Sports Hall of Fame Committee will recognize those individuals who through their accomplishments have brought pride and distinction to our school and community as an athlete, coach, and administrator or as a contributor to the development and success of the Lutheran High School athletic program.

Committee Membership

The Hall of Fame Committee shall include the following members:

  1. The Athletic Director
  2. The Assistant Athletic Director
  3. The Administrator in charge of Athletics

The committee may have a maximum of 10 members and a minimum of 5.

The existing Hall of Fame Committee will accept applications and make decisions regarding new members to fill vacated committee positions.


  1. To select a maximum of 5 inductees per year.
  2. To limit eligibility for student athletes to those who have graduated for a period of at least 10 years.
  3. To honor inductees with a dinner organized by the Hall of Fame Committee.


  1. Nominations will be accepted for any athlete, coach, administrator or contributor who through his/her commitment, sacrifice, and dedication to the Lutheran High School athletic program has brought pride and distinction to our school and community.
  2. Eligibility for nomination would include those who have graduated for a period of at least 10 years.


The following criteria will be used for evaluation of nominees:

    1. The nominee’s degree of recognition as a Lutheran High School athlete, coach administrator or active supporter with alumni and the general public.
    2. The significance or stature of the nominee’s accomplishments as a Lutheran athlete as determined by statistical records or the number and stature of the awards received.
    3. Distinctive or unique accomplishments which attracted public attention or acclaim to the nominee or Lutheran High School.
    4. The athlete’s success or prominence in life, including his/her professional career, stature in the community, and service to the school and the athletic program.


  1. Nominations may be submitted by members of the Sports Hall of Fame Committee, members of the community and the general public.
  2. Nominations will be accepted by completing a Hall of Fame nomination form.  Please see form for completion deadlines.
  3. An induction candidate’s file will become active when the candidate returns the completed information form.  In the event the nominee is deceased, a relative may complete and return the form.
  4. Once an individual has been nominated, his/her file will remain active for 10 years and he/she will continue to be considered for induction during that time.

Election Process

  1. The inductees will be honored with a dinner organized by the Hall of Fame Committee.
  2. Each inductee must attend the Hall of Fame banquet.  If the inductee is deceased, a representative must attend the banquet.  In the case of an emergency in which the inductee or representative cannot attend, the Hall of Fame Committee will make the appropriate decision regarding the induction.
  3. Each inductee will receive a small token of his/her induction and a plaque with his/her name, picture and accomplishments will be on display at Lutheran High School.
  4. Each inductee or representative will receive 2 complimentary tickets to the Hall of Fame dinner.
  5. The inductees will be introduced during the Hall of Fame banquet.