Daily Announcements

 Oct. 20, 2022



Brookview Elementary Monster Mash:  Service hour opportunity for all students at Brookview elementary school from 12:30 to 4:00 pm on Saturday, October 29th.  We are looking for volunteers for their Monster Mash.  We need volunteers to set up and run carnival games.  This can earn you four service hours.  Adult volunteers are also welcome.  There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board outside the office.  For more information, please talk to Jake Gustafson.

Muffin Sale:  The Builders Club is having a muffin sale for dream riders.  It is an organization that helps kids with disabilities go horse back riding.  The sale will be held October 26th-October 28th.   You can buy them at 7:30am and the cost is $2.00 each.



Senior Class Shirts:  Senior class shirts are available for pick up in the MPR during lunch today through October 26th.  You are also able to pay an optional $5 to tie dye your shirt!

Current Crusader Honor Society and National Honor Society members have an opportunity for a service project this Thursday from 3:30-5 at RLA. See Mr. Kortze for details.

Blood Drive:  Rockford Lutheran is going to be having the blood drive on Oct. 24th, 9am-2pm.  You must be 16 to sign up.  If you are interested, please use the QR code around the school.  If you have any questions, ask Emma James.

Sophomores, please see Mr. Kortze if you are interested in the HOBY State Leadership Program.  This is an excellent opportunity to attend a weekend seminar and develop your leadership skills through a well-renowned national program.

Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE



Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE



Next week detention will be supervised by Mrs. Jensen in room 123.



Week of 10/17-10/20 : M-Regular, T-Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Chapel,  F-No School-Parent/Teacher Conferences

Week of 10/24-10/28:  M-Regular, T-Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Regular, F-Chapel

For details of each of the above Bell Schedules please check via this link to the schedules: https://rockfordlutheran.org/bell-schedules/

“Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly” Micah 6:8