Daily Announcements
May 28, 2024
Reminder: Tomorrow is NOT a late start day. Finals start tomorrow and the first final begins at 8:10am.
Locker Cleanout will take place as follows:
Grades 9-11, you will clean out your lockers TODAY, May 28th during study hall.
Junior High, you will clean out your lockers during Activity Period – 8:10-8:40am on Friday, May 31st.
ALL LOCKS MUST BE REMOVED. If you are returning, you may use your lock next year. There will be garbage cans in the hallway for you to dispose of items you do not want. Everything else should be taken home.
HS & JH Boys Soccer: HS & JH boys soccer players please sign up on the athletic office door if you are thinking about playing next fall.
HS Volleyball Players: Friday at 8:10 you can come to the gym and meet the new volleyball coach before finals begin.
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE
Week of 5/27/24-5/31/24: M-No School, T-Regular, W- Finals for 1,2,3 hour classes, last exam done at 12:30, Th – Finals for 4,5,6 hour classes, last exam done at 12:30, F – Finals for 7 & 8 hr classes, school over at 11:45.