Daily Announcements
May 22, 2024
Locker Cleanout will take place as follows:
Seniors, you will clean out your lockers immediately after chapel this Friday, May 24th.
Grades 9-11, you will clean out your lockers on Tuesday, May 28th during study hall.
Junior High, you will clean out your lockers during Activity Period – 8:10-8:40am on Friday, May 31st.
ALL LOCKS MUST BE REMOVED. If you are returning, you may use your lock next year. There will be garbage cans in the hallway for you to dispose of items you do not want. Everything else should be taken home.
Final Exemption Forms: Final exemption forms can be picked up in the office. There is one form for all grades 7-12. The front side is for 7-11 grades and the back side is for 12th grade. Forms must be turned in fully completed by today, May 22nd at 3:15pm.
College Athletic Signing Day: Seniors committing to a college to play a sport next year will be signing today, May 22nd during 7th period. Seniors who plan to play a sport in college need to stop by the athletic office to confirm with Mr. Purvis.
Restaurant Fundraiser for RLS: A portion of proceeds will be donated to RLS for Chick-fil-A on Thursday, May 23rd, 5-7pm in store purchases & mobile orders all day, at the 1505 West Lane, Machesney Park location.
Cross Country Meeting: All students are invited to an informational meeting happening this week to learn more about running cross country at Rockford Lutheran. This meeting will take place tomorrow, May 23 at 3:30pm in Mr. McBee’s room, room 114. This meeting is for both new and returning runners and for anyone at the high school or junior high level who is interested in learning more about our team here at Rockford Lutheran. This is not a commitment to joining the team but rather a chance to learn more about what cross country at our school is about. We hope to see you there!
SPARK will be meeting in the Core today after school until 4:00 for the last time this school year. Come and work on your homework!
Senior Reminder: Please bring your cap and gown to school this Friday for the Senior/Kindergarten Walk.
Senior Class Meeting: All seniors are asked to grab their food and go to the auditorium today during 3rd lunch for a senior class meeting.
Girls Golf Signup: Any girls in grades 8-11 that want to play golf next fall, sign up on the sheet on Coach Lodico’s door.
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE
Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: NONE
Week of 5/20/24: M & T Mrs. Giamalva will supervise in 103, W & Th Kish will supervise in room 101
Week of 5/20/24-5/24/24: M-Chapel, T–Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Regular, F-Chapel
Week of 5/27/24-5/31/24: M-No School, T-Regular, W- Finals for 1,2,3 hour classes, last exam done at 12:30, Th – Finals for 4,5,6 hour classes, last exam done at 12:30, F – Finals for 7 & 8 hr classes, school over at 11:45.