Daily Announcements

 April 28, 2022



Service Hours Opportunity:  Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful is sponsoring a city wide cleanup on Saturday, April 30th, from 9-noon.  This is a great way to get service hours.  The signup sheet is on Mr. Vaughan’s door, room 100.  See Mr. Vaughan or Mrs. Champion with questions.



Information About Prom Voting:  Seniors, please check your emails.  There is an email with information about Prom King and Queen voting for next week.

Seniors:  Please turn in your permission slips for senior skip day & senior cookout to the main office. The forms were mailed to your home along with the letter that has all the end of the year & senior event information.  The permission slip is due by tomorrow, April 29th.

Group Senior Class Yearbook Photo:  The yearbook staff will take a group senior class photo during homeroom today.  Meet in the gym after attendance is taken in homeroom.

Job Opportunities: Are you 16 or older and looking for a part-time summer job?  You can work at Rockford Lutheran doing lawn mowing and other tasks (mostly outdoors).  See Mr. Wudtke if you are interested.

Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: 4/28/22 Softball & Baseball @ 2:15pm



8th Grade Field Trip:  Eighth graders, don’t forget to turn in your field trip forms to Mr. Wilson or Mrs. Fustin by tomorrow along with your money.  Also, do not forget about the online waiver.

Athletic/Activity Early Dismissal: None



This Week: Today Mr. Hansen will supervise in room 131.

Next Week:  Dr. Jackson will supervise in room 228.



Week of 4/25-4/29: M-Regular, T-Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Regular, F-Chapel

Week of 5/2-5/6: M-Regular, T-Regular, W-Late Start, Th-Regular, F-Chapel

For details of each of the above Bell Schedules please check via this link to the schedules: https://rockfordlutheran.org/bell-schedules/


The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. 

Psalm 138:8a ESV